All About Me
What is your name?
Where are you from?
Hong Kong
When is your birthday?
June 9th!
Why did you choose to study Communication Design?
The broadness of the major, I can experiment with different mediums.
What are you most inspired by?
Daily life, movies, my imagination.
What has been your favorite class so far? Why?
A fine arts class. We were given a lot of flexibility in our projects, and painting was very therapeutic.

What are you hoping to learn in this class?
Improving my coding so I can freely express my ideas.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Hang out with friends, go to museums, vaccum my room.
When you imagine a graphic designer, what do you think they do on a day to day?
Creating visuals and telling a story through texts, images, colors, and shapes.
When you imagine a developer, what do you think they do on a day to day?
Designing and maintaining software programs.
Where do you see yourself after graduating? What kind of job do you want to have?
I am still trying to figure that out.......!
Do you consider yourself an artist, a designer, both, or neither?
What kind of design classes have you taken before this one?
The communication design classes at Parsons.
Do you know most of the students in our class already?
No I don't
List your favorite typefaces.
For now, Helvetica.
What are you top 3 favorite colors?
Moss green, pastel yellow,
Which artists do you like?
Bill Viola, Felix Gonzalez Torres.
List out some music that you like to listen to
Hip hop, alt, jazz!
Did anything interesting happen over winter break?
I just spent a lot of time with family!
Have you ever built a website?
Do you have any questions for me?
Not for now.
What is your first memory of using the internet?
Creating a gmail account and looking at pictures of random things on google(it was very entertaining to me.)
Do you have a favorite place to visit?
Your answer goes here!
Do you speak any other languages?
Cantonese and Mandarin.
What is your favorite food?
It changes all the time, but at the moment it is Japanese food!
What is your favorite animal?
Do you have a pet?
No I do not :(
Is there any other information you'd like me to know?
I don't think soo